
Library Projects

The Library Projects has been given to promote reading habit and develop information literacy skills during the whole academic session, followed by continuous and yearlong activities to evaluate its effectiveness.

  1. To inculcate reading habits among the students during the whole academic year.
  2. To develop the level of critical reading skills.
  3. To encourage critical thinking, innovation and creativity.
  4. To develop information literacy skills.
  5. To develop the abilities to use social media effectively.
  6. To develop basic research skills.
  7. To improve self-confidence and presentation skills
  8. To make the students lifelong readers and learners.
Contents of the Project

  1. Cover page (with Attractive title)
  2. Title page
  3. Your introduction (Your Brief introduction with photograph)
  4. Subject Summary (Brief summary of the topic)
  5. Aim of the little book (Your own view. Why did you prepare this Little book)
  6. Contribution (Which people helped you to prepare this little book)
  7. References (Which sources helped you to prepare this Little book)
Library Projects & Assignments
1. Reading, Writing and Learning 
2. Collaborative Reading 
3. Book Hospital

My Little Book (Library Project)

Read With Someone (Library Project)
‘Read with Someoneis a collaborative reading programme aimed at transforming moderate readers into fervent readers and helping them to become better learners, through mentoring by peers and teachers.