Library Rules



1. Staff members, including principal would be issued maximum five books at a time for a period of one month.

2. Re-issue of books by a user may be allowed maximum twice more after first issue.

3. Failure of return books on time would compulsorily lead to penalty of Rs. 1 day for all.

4. A recall system for overdue books should be introduced. This could be achieved by sending an Overdue-note. In case of staff, the note can be sent through the school office.

5. One set of text books may be issued to the teachers for the subject being taught by them for the whole session. 

6. Magazines and periodicals may also be issued for a week only. However, it must be ensured that at least two previous issues are available in the library. 

7. One teacher, who would help in maintaining discipline in the library as well as assist the librarian, will accompany the students of class VI& above to the library. 

8. Computer and Internet access - The library should have a computer, which would be used for storing information of the collection, records of books issued, digitalized books and provides internet access.



1. Strict discipline and silence are to be observed in the library. 

2. Each user would be provided with the library cards for issue of books. 

3. Issue of books for home - Each student would be issued two books at a time for a period of two weeks. 

4. Re-issue of books by a user may be allowed maximum twice more after first issue. 

5. Failure of return books on due date would compulsorily lead to penalty of Rs. 1 per day for all students. 

6. A 'No Dues Certificate' for each student is to be obtained from the Librarian while withdrawing any student from school. 

7. Dictionaries, Encyclopedias etc. would not be issued. 

8. Newly purchased books will not be issued to any user for at least one month. But it will be displayed separately as new arrivals. 

9. Issue of subject reference books - Only subject reference books from reference section would be issued for home use on those days when thesuccessive day is a holiday. The books will have to be returned on the next working day. 

10. In case a user loses a book he/ she would have to either replace the book or deposit three times the price of the book in the library. 

11. Magazines and periodicals may also be issued for a week only. 

12. Library books are to be deposited at least one week before leaving the station or any break (short vacation) and 15 days before any long vacation. 

13. All students should maintain a book review note during library period study as per given format. For this purpose a 100 pages paper bound copy will be sufficient. 

14. Library books can be issued and returned during library period of the class only and not in any teaching period.